
Our heritage is to help clients understand and protect themselves and their families from acknowledged and anonymous risks. Since 1988 we have been applying our expertise and experience so that our clients can have the very best protection for the ones they love and the things they value. We provide a wide range of health, home, auto, travel, retirement and life insurance products and solutions, as well as business insurance services to individual, business and group clienteles.

Life Insurance

Life Insurance offers:
Protection against death taking away a family member is not possible, but protection against the suffering from its Financial Loss is.
Protection for your loved ones—now and in the future.
Insures that your family remains financially stable and secure after your death or other event, such as terminal illness or critical illness.
Flexibility and different types of coverage from Term Life to Personal Accident and Investment Plans.
Guidance from financial professionals to help you get just what you need.

Auto Insurance

Protect your investment, your safety and your passengers’ safety and protect yourself against other liabilities by choosing the right motor insurance policy that best suits you. Enjoy your ride while resting assured from the dangers of accident damage, fire and theft.

Our offered coverage packages include based on your selected plan:
– Material Damage, Bodily Injury, and Own Car Damage such as Fire and Total theft, Partial Theft.
– Free road assistance 24/7, Replacement car in case of accident.

Home Insurance

A home Insurance policy protects your possessions and assets for which you have worked for the most in life.
Home contents can be covered against accidental damage, fire, and theft.
Personal possessions like watches, cameras, laptops, and jewelry can also be covered.
Home insurance will repay the loss based on the fair market value at the time of the loss.

Health Insurance

With medical expenses reaching unbearable levels, the need for medical protection has never been more immense. Protect yourself and your family from the escalating financial expenses of seeking medical care by choosing a suitable insurance package.
Our years of experience in the insurance field, along with a strong network of very well recognized insurance companies in the Lebanese market place us in the driving seat to offer valuable consultancy through sharing insights and information on different scenarios, and advising on the best plan that protects you.

Home Insurance

A home Insurance policy protects your possessions and assets for which you have worked for the most in life.
Home contents can be covered against accidental damage, fire, and theft.
Personal possessions like watches, cameras, laptops, and jewelry can also be covered.
Home insurance will repay the loss based on the fair market value at the time of the loss.

Travel Insurance

When traveling, whether for business or leisure, Travel Insurance offers assistance to handle the cost of any unexpected accident that might occur during your trip. The Travel Insurance Coverage can include:

  • Medical expenses and hospitalization
  • Loss of registered luggage
  • Repatriation of the mortal in case of death
  • Flight cancellation indemnity.
  • Travel information services
  • Referral to medical correspondents abroad
  • Return of dependent children
  • Transportation to join member
  • Transport or repatriation of the insured in case of illness or injury.

Professional Liability Insurance

You are an Architect, a Doctor, a Financial Consultant, a Lawyer, a Physician or an Accountant you will need a policy to cover you against potential negligence claims.
Our policies can be tailored to your needs and scope of business to cover you against claims of malpractice, and financial loss due to error or omission of the products or services sold.